
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

facebook friend?

I have 97 friends on facebook. Deep down it makes me feel good to know that many people. 97 people know who I am! I should know by now, that cocky is not a good emotion for me, I always come crashing down. I must admit there have been a few people requesting to be my friend that I honestly don't know. On the other hand my memory is bad, and as a child we moved every three years. I figure there is always a possibility that I know these people. I should ask them how they know me, but that would just be embarrassing. I received a friend request from someone with my exact same name, first and last. I chose to ignore the request because it is just a little bit creepy, I don't know her and what if she is making my name look bad. Do I want to be associated with a much younger, cuter version of myself with the same name? Then it hit me...she wants to be able to tell me that some of my friends are really her friends. The humiliation! Is it just me or does facebook force you to revert to your JR high self?

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