
Tuesday, January 13, 2009


OK..the water company for our city averages the water usage between Nov-March. So I have been showering at the gym (on the days I work out) instead of going home to shower. I hope my husband appreciates my attempts at being frugal. My mother goes to the gym as well, and commented on my use of towels. I admit I do go overboard since I don't have to wash or dry them. I said, heck yeah I use lots of towels, totally a luxury. Her comment was, well I don't because that will bring the cost of the gym up. Here I was doing it BECAUSE I pay for the gym. Can't win I tell you! I figure that her lack of use and my over use will cancel each other out. So not feeling guilty anymore!

One more friend turned me on to this great website. It is only great if you like catty comments about fashion. I love it because I can't afford to be fashionable so I like to make comments about those that can! If you have money there is no excuse to look like crap. Ladies...leggings are NOT pants!

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