
Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Hunt Begins...

Yes, it is that dreaded time of the year again...the hunt for a swim suit. The mere thought of it turns my stomach. The three way mirrors, the "hygienic" sticker on the crotch, trying to cram your underwear into the bottom half of the suit. YUCK! After my last swim suit experience a few weeks ago, I have decided that it is time to suck it up and get a new one. I thought my first stop would be the internet. I can get it shipped to me and try them on at home. My first stop the Victoria's Secret site. There is free shipping for items over 100.00. I figure I get a few, try them on and send the majority back.
Decisions, Decisions, decisions... Beach Sexy, Miracle Bra, Very Sexy, or Body by Victoria. Let's see Beach sexy, I will be running after two kiddos on the beach, sand always seems to gravitate to the crotch region, my youngest has a fascination with straps (she prefers them off the shoulder) I'm going to have to say no to the beach sexy or very sexy. That leaves Miracle Bra or Body by Victoria. I am excited about this Miracle Bra idea. I have been clinging to my A+/B- since adolescence and I would really love a miracle. The woman wearing the suits looked to either be blessed by God or a surgeon. I don't think that Victoria has the power to work a large scale miracle. I loved some of the tops, but I just can't envision my mini miracle in there. On to the body by Victoria...please. My body is Body by Ella and Claire. So the search continues.

In case you were wondering, pictured is a beach sexy suit; I decided against it because of the color, and a few other reasons. Really, does anyone really wear a white in the water except at a wet t-shirt contest?

1 comment:

angelk33 said...

Oh my! I hear you!!! I love "Body by Ella and Claire!" You are hilarious. My goal is to be able to get into a decent bikini by next April for that wedding in the Bahamas.