
Friday, April 4, 2008

Its getting hot in here...

Today was a very busy day. One of my friends scheduled a visit to the fire station for our MOM's club. Ella was enthralled. In every picture I took, she looks so serious. Claire was so upset that she couldn't walk around with the big kids. Ella had a great time, I on the other hand spent the whole time trying to keep Claire occupied. For all of my hard work, what I got in return was a temper tantrum in the car, a poopy diaper blow out, and a bottle of milk in the head. Joy.

This evening we joined some friends for dinner at a sushi restaurant WITH the kids. There were 6 kids total. The seasoned parents brought chicken nuggets, and peas for all of the kiddos to share. I brought puffed veggie sticks that Ella kept calling Cheetos. The girls finished the whole can, once again I looked like Mother of the year...

When can will we ever be able to go to dinner with both of the girls and enjoy ourselves? It was so stressful. Claire started throwing her food, Ella screamed that her diaper was wet, Jeff and I were lucky to say two or three sentences to anyone without being interrupted.

On a positive note, we are going to a B&B this weekend to get away. I can't imagine riding in a car without the incessant talking of a two year old. No diapers, no tantrums...bliss!!


Rachel Lyn said...

Let me know what it's like to be in a quiet car!

angelk33 said...

My kid made your blog!!! Yea!