
Saturday, March 22, 2008

Who is afraid of the big bad face painter??

We had a great day, this morning we went to have breakfast with the Easter bunny at Nordstrom's. Such a deal the kiddos still eat free, and we all get a fabulous breakfast. The best part is the fresh squeezed orange juice! Anyway, this year Ella was thrilled about sitting on the Easter Bunnies lap, sure beats the wailing last year! While she was being entertained with a story I ran and got in line for the face painter. We were third in line, but the lady was about 15 minutes late. The line snaked through the aisle of the store. I was secretly so proud of myself securing such a great spot in line. Ella picked out her design, a glittery butterfly and watched intently as a few kiddos went before her. Her turn... she screamed, the lady drew something on my hand to prove that it didn't hurt. Ella would not budge and her "no, no, mama, no" was getting louder and louder. In Ella's defense, the lady had fairly impressive dragon breath and reeked of cigarettes. So much for my coveted spot in line.

We left and headed to our church which was putting on an Easter Extravaganza. Ella participated in an egg hunt and I once again scored first place in line for the pony ride. The line was growing behind me and truth be told I was scared that once again drama would ensue. Shock of shocks, she allowed herself to be hoisted up onto the pony and was off with two trainers going for a stroll through the field, all alone, smiling from ear to ear. No fear! After the ride she was able to hold a little bunny, once again no fear.

Moral of this story...barn yard animal breath is much preferred over dragon breath.

1 comment:

Rachel Lyn said...

Bailey would have nothing to do with the pony, the bunnies, or the Easter bunny so I'm impressed with Ella! The bouncy stuff and the train, however, were a hit! Sorry we missed you guys.