
Friday, March 28, 2008

Panty Lines

My mom and I have been taking a great hip hop dance class at our gym. I must say it is a little discerning watching my Mom getting her grove on to Ferggie singing, "You love my lady lumps, My hump my hump my hump. Whatcha gonna do with all that junk
All that junk inside your trunk ". Who knew when I was a teenager that I would be shaking it with my mom and not running for cover with embarrassment. I think it is really cool now, she can really shake that thang. Mom and I have been going for about 5 months. I always wear the same gray yoga pants from old navy. They fit snuggly as they should, but are very comfy. Last week, I overheard some twenty something girls snickering about my panty line. My mom claimed that they were just jealous of my moves, but when I got home I checked out my "hump" in the mirror. There was a tiny bit of a line. Now if I was going out I would have been a little more careful, but this was a gym. I love those pants so I started to think what I could do to minimize the tiny line. Ummm... a thong or commando was all I could think of. The thong...haven't worn one since my early twenties, now the goal is to find some panties that won't sneak up there. I just can't bring myself to do the thong again, and the thought of working out with one on makes me cringe..chaffing. Now onto my next solution ...commando. Let's see I have had two kiddos in two years and how can I put this politely... Occasionally a sneeze isn't just a sneeze and lets face it is always allergy season in Austin. So potential chaffing, or an embarrassing wet mark.

I think I will just stick with the panty line, my entire hump prefers coverage. If I get too desperate I can try the new panty the C-string. You have to check it out, it is seriously a maxi pad panty
Then again, I think that a little line is how should I say this... reassuring!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is funny (and true!) all the way through! You shakin' it with your mom, you getting snarked by some mean girls, and as for the sneeze.... I know what you mean.