
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Oh Rats!

Well, I survived today. I don't know if it was the windy weather but Ella and Claire were in rare form. Ella was whining non stop all day long. Claire was irritated by everything. I have had two bottles of beer, the girls are in bed and I am feeling much better.

I want to state from the get go that this is my husbands fault... Yesterday, Ella dropped her bowl of cereal and yelled, "Oh Sh*$!", I thought that I was hearing things because her usual expression is, "Oh, Dear!". A few minutes later, after dropping her toy she said the same thing, I chose to ignore it and give her another word to use. I thought that we had cured the sh&^s, but then again today when she bonked her head she said it again. A wise friend of mine, said that perhaps I should introduce her to the expression, "rats". We will see how it works, if it doesn't work then it is sooo my husbands fault. That little Sh%$... I mean rat!


angelk33 said...

Lovely!!! :) Reid has caught my bad habit of uttering "Jesus!" very sarcastically over everything. How horrible is that. At least half the population cannot really understand what he is saying anyway!

Rachel Lyn said...

Bailey says 'oh my goodness' or 'goodness gracious'. I get a kick out of having her say it b/c it's so cute! Once her Sunday school teacher said that she said sh%t, so it can be cured!