
Thursday, May 28, 2009

What UP?

Tomorrow I have decided that I will take the girls to see Pixar's new film, UP. I am a little nervous, Ella has been to two other movies in the past and did great. This will be Claire's first movie. It could be pure hell depending on her mood. Tomorrow is opening day and I wanted to get the early bird special, so originally I attempted to order the tickets online. I discovered there was a 1.35 courtesy charge PER TICKET!!! You can shove your courtesy charge where the sun don't shine. I drove over to the theater and purchased the tickets. Traffic was backed up due to not one, but two accidents. My quick trip to save some money cost me over an hour in the car on a 95 degree day. I purchased tickets for the early bird showing @ 10:30. I was informed that this showing would not be 3-D. Thank Goodness! I can't imagine the drama associated with keeping glasses on a two and a three year old. I was so excited to come home with the tickets. I just read a review and it was glowing with praise. The last few lines threw me..."this is one of the first PG movies that Pixar has released". Really?? Are my girls going to have a fear of balloons now? On the other hand it may make a trip to the grocery store easier when the cashier says they have run out of free balloons!

1 comment:

Christina said...

This movie looks so cute - I was planning on taking Emma too... Hope you have fun!!