
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

gotta love it

You gotta love a two year olds honesty. I woke up looking like an Alice Cooper wanna be. The night before I wore a new type of mascara. Yes, I did wash my face, but apparently waterproof is truly that. To get the crap off you need to get a restless nights sleep. My husband didn't mention my newly acquired look this morning. I did not check the mirror. I was too busy getting the girls fed and dressed. Ella was making strange faces at me. I saw her face wrinkle in concern. "Mommy" she said, "you look yucky today". My self esteem shattered, I went on with my morning routine. Once everyone else was ready, I treaded up the stairs to brush my teeth and spruce my yucky self up. I looked in the mirror and almost fell over. Good God, I really was as Kramer from Seinfeld put it "Hideous"( The next time my hubby says I look nice I will remember that he didn't mention that I had turned into Alice Cooper over night!

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