
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Panty Check!


I am back! I am finally to the point that I can blog. I have missed my time to think back over the day and laugh. I am now a mommy of three little girls, 5, 4, and 10 months. My now middle child continues to push me to my limits. Let me preface this by saying C never wears panties at night. She claims that she needs to "breath". Being the awesome mother that I am, I had not noticed that she had been going commando during the day until it was called to my attention by one of her teachers. C was sitting quietly wearing her favorite lime green dress listening to a Bible story. C is 4 year and has not quite mastered lady like sitting. Needless to say, the poor teacher reading the story was brought back to the days of Adam and Eve when she glanced over at my daughter. C unaware of the social no no reserved for only Lindsay Lohan was "breathing" (her words not mine). Not quite sure what to do after the incident the teacher convinced her to put on a pull up to go to the playground. She told C that she really didn't want wood chips in there. We now have a panty check before leaving the house and C understands that she only needs to breath at night.


One Austin Mommy said...

This is such an awesome story- glad you're back. I guess the beef inspired you. It was great meeting you on Friday. I hope to see you again soon. :)

Anonymous said...

Im stopping by from MBC and I absolutely love your blog! This is the cutest but still silly embarassing!!:)