
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tit for Tat Screw That!

I feel as if all of my children are going through some sort of phase right now.  Baby A only wants to be held, Middle C is embracing the FU fives, and E has morphed into little Ms. Tit for Tat.  My easy, breezy first born has traded in her hallo.  If I have to hear "That's not fair", one more time I just might give myself a swirlie.  She counts and compares everything, chomping at the bit to discover an chance of injustice.  Today, I was playing around with the girls and I semi depantsed Middle C.  She was giggling, then out of the blue I heard a shrill panicked scream,"That's not fair Mommy, I want to have you pull my pants down too!"  I couldn't help but laugh, which really sent her over the edge. "You never laugh at Middle C, it is not fair."  The evening went down hill after that.  I swear E counted how many individual pieces of macaroni and cheese she had versus her sister. How many times do I say, "life is not fair"?  I might have to start charging her 10 cents for every time she utters the words "not fair".  I could use the proceeds to purchase a nice bottle of whine, I mean wine.

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