
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hootchie Mama

Who wears short shorts...mommy wears short shorts. I met a friend for a play date today and I was appalled by the length of my shorts. Perhaps I have become Elasti- girl and my legs have gotten longer?? I purchased them at Old Navy this spring and I swear I don't recall them being this short. Daisy Dukes are not attractive on a 34 year old mommy, esp. a mommy that has been meaning to buy a new razor. So my dear friend, I sincerely apologize for exposing you and your children to my pasty white, unshaven legs.

1 comment:

Rachel Lyn said...

I'm crying I'm laughing so hard! Bailey rubbed my leg this morning and asked me why I have pricklies on my leg, so at least we have pasty white and unshaven in common. I got my shorts as hand-me-downs from my MIL so....well, now you know my secret shame. :)